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Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz

10 Años, 10 Meses
Villanueva de la Cañada
Ebro is a very special dog, he is a Spanish breed and he came with me when I decided to move to Ireland. He is 8 years old, neutered and a very funny dog. At home he is usually quiet, sometimes he plays with his toys (loves squeeze ones) and asks you to play with him. He loves cuddles, he is very affectionate. He does his needs out of the house without any problem. During the walks he enjoys a lot, he is very active and loves to run after the balls. Everybody who meets him ends up in love with him. He is a little afraid of big dogs but has never had a bad behaviour with them.
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El propietario de Ebro
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Sobre Ebro
Castrado / esterilizado
Es sociable con gatos
Es sociable con otros perros
Es sociable con niños

Reservas de Alojamiento

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Ebro es un perrito muy obediente y muy cariñoso. Es más activo que su hermanito Burton, pero también tiene sus momentos de mimos en familia. Le encanta pedirte caricias. Cuidar de los dos fue maravilloso. Se adaptaron genial a mi casa y mi familia. ❤️

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Son adorables! Muy cariñosos y juguetones, se portaron fenomenal☺️