Xena avatar

Shih Tzu

13 Años, 7 Meses
My name is Xena (Chena) and I am amazing! I am now 8 years old but some bad persons kept me for 7 years in a cage breeding babies to be sold. I was rescued and after some months I am absolutely normal and happy now that I am free. Sometimes I am a bit shy because of this, specially with bigs dogs but if they are calm I play with them (a lot!) but I prefer small dogs and quiet like me. I am an easy going dog, calm, very obedient and allways in a good mood. I love to play too with cats and if you like it, I love to be hugged or enjoy run after you. All people say I am lovely!
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El propietario de Xena
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Sobre Xena
Castrado / esterilizado
Es sociable con gatos
Es sociable con otros perros
Es sociable con niños

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